Prescription drug regulations vary widely across the globe, so a medication that’s readily accessible in one country might be tightly restricted in another. This could be extremely dangerous for …
Prescription drugs, intended for legitimate medical purposes, have increasingly been misused by individuals seeking euphoric effects similar to those provided by illegal drugs. This misuse include …
If we think about portrayals of addiction in the media, we will often think of the heavy use of alcohol or illicit drugs. However, this only shows one side of the addiction experience. The lack of …
When we think of drug addiction, we may automatically think about the use of and dependency on illicit substances. That means that the language around addiction frequently conjures images of cocai …
Sometimes, when dealing with prescription drugs, it may feel as though they act like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You might have seen in the news that some countries have been and are currently bat …
When we are prescribed medicines, they typically come with a white leaflet that details the various side effects that can be associated with using the drugs. These are often listed from common to …
In this study, we will explore the importance of detox in drug rehab. This includes understanding what detox entails and exploring the varied symptoms that may manifest based on the substance invo …
The rise of K-pop has been truly meteoric, transcending borders, language and culture. However, as the genre has exploded around the world, the demands of fame, relentless travel and performan …