Alcohol addiction is a serious global problem, and yet the fine line between “casual” drinking and addiction is not always easy to spot. Social gatherings, celebrations and even nigh
In this study, we will explore the importance of detox in drug rehab. This includes understanding what detox entails and exploring the varied symptoms that may manifest based on the subs
In a world where social dynamics often intertwine with our choice of libations, the term "beer pressure" takes on a new and intriguing meaning. As enthusiasts of the craft beer renaissan
For generations, indulging in alcohol has been a social norm, but recent research indicates a shifting trend. According to a report, youth drinking in general has taken a sharp decline s
In recent years, the recovery landscape has been undergoing a profound transformation. At the centre of this is the understanding that addiction is an all-encompassing illness which requir
Embarking on the journey to sobriety is a significant step, fraught with decisions and challenges. Central among these is the selection of an alcohol and drug rehab centre that aligns with
Statistics indicate that around 602,391 people in England are dependent on alcohol. 82% of these are not currently in treatment for addiction. Over a quarter of individuals in the countr
Have you ever wondered why that flushed feeling courses through you after a glass of your favourite wine? Or why your heart races slightly faster with each sip of a cold beer? The relati
46 year old Dave came into residential alcohol treatment at Primrose Lodge in 2017. Six months after his alcohol treatment with UKAT, we caught up with Dave to find out how he’s gettin