Sleeping Pill Rehab | Sleeping Pill Addiction Treatment

Sleeping pill rehab may seem like a drastic and unnecessary step for some people, but it is actually one of the most important things you can do if you are struggling with sleeping pill addiction. Sleeping pills are highly addictive and dangerous, and you should seek professional help if you have found your sleeping pill use getting out of control. Sleeping pill rehab can help you to overcome your issues with sleeping pills safely and effectively.


Why is sleeping pill rehab important?

The misuse of these types of drugs is a serious issue, and if left untreated, it can lead to dangerous consequences such as seizures, breathing difficulties and overdose. Sleeping pill rehab enables you to safely and effectively overcome your drug abuse in a supportive, non-judgemental environment.

Sleeping pill rehab can provide you with the tools you need to maintain ongoing sobriety in your day-to-day life, as well as assist you in coping with anxiety, stress, and any other issues. At Primrose Lodge, we are proud to offer a comprehensive treatment programme that tackles both the physical and psychological aspects of recovery, as well as any co-occurring mental health disorders that may have led you to abuse drugs.

What treatments are involved in sleeping pill rehab?

The first step of our treatment programme is sleeping pill detox, and it is here that your body will begin to rid itself of any harmful toxins. This is followed by a period of intensive therapy, where you will work with our team of specialists to uncover the root cause of your drug abuse.

Some of the therapies you will participate in include:

Art therapy as a part of sleeping pills rehab

Engaging in therapy will result in a deeper understanding of the circumstances that led you to start abusing drugs. It is here where you will learn healthy coping mechanisms and relapse prevention techniques to take forward in your ongoing recovery.

What can I expect from sleeping pill rehab?

Primrose Lodge offers a therapeutic environment that promotes healing and recovery. Our rehab centre is nestled in picturesque grounds, away from the stresses of daily life. You will have the opportunity to give your full attention to recovery, where any temptations or triggers of sleeping pill use can be dealt with in a supportive group setting.

We understand that checking into rehab can be a daunting prospect, which is why we do everything we can to make you feel comfortable and at ease during your stay with us. From the moment you arrive, you will be greeted by our friendly and welcoming team who will support you throughout your time in treatment.

A previous Primrose Lodge client and member of our Alumni, Carl, describes his stay at our facility:

“It’s just an environment in which you are not judged. You’re not told to do things. The more you give, the more you get out of it. If you want to change then it’s available for you.”

All of the staff members at Primrose Lodge have first-hand experience in addiction, with a wealth of knowledge to share with our clients. If you are ready and willing to make a change, our team is here to guide you through the process and can offer you all the resources you need to ensure a successful recovery from sleeping pills.

What can be treated at sleeping pill rehab?

There are many types of sleeping pills, and all have the potential to be habit-forming. If you have found yourself unable to stop taking sleeping pills of any kind, rehab is the right decision for you.

At Primrose Lodge, we have an abundance of experience treating all types of substance abuse disorders. Our experience with sleeping pills includes the following:

Zolpidem rehab
Zolpidem, also known as ‘Ambien’, requires both physical and psychological treatment if you want to quit. Attending inpatient rehab is the most effective approach and is the course most likely to result in permanent recovery.
Zopiclone rehab
Battling a Zopiclone habit alone is not recommended and can result in dangerous side effects. Getting the professional help you need with Zopiclone rehab will ensure your safety in a comfortable setting, as well as meet your physical and mental needs.

If you are unsure whether you need rehab, we recommend speaking to a specialist who can assess your individual circumstances and provide you with expert advice.

Do I need sleeping pill rehab?

If you are using sleeping pills excessively, or if you have developed a reliance on them, then it is likely you need sleeping pill rehab. However, as a legal medication with legitimate medical purposes, users often do not realise they have a problem or could find it difficult to admit they need help.

If this is the case, there are a few things you should consider. The first question you should ask yourself is: are you using sleeping pills outside of the prescribed instructions? If you have increased your dose in order to feel the same effects, or have been using sleeping pills for longer than intended, you may need to undergo a rehab programme in order to quit.

Another point to consider is how much your sleeping pill use is impacting your life. Are you missing work or important appointments because you are too drowsy to function? Do you find that you are using sleeping pills in order to cope with stress or anxiety, rather than using them as intended to help you sleep? Have you been involved in an accident or potentially dangerous situation due to the effects of sleeping pills? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, it is likely you need to seek professional help in order to put a stop to your habit.

Finally, ask yourself if you have ever experienced withdrawal symptoms when stopping your sleeping pill use. Symptoms can include anxiety, irritability, tremors, and difficulty sleeping. If you have experienced any of these symptoms, it is likely that you are dependent on sleeping pills and may need sleeping pill rehab.

Does completing rehab mean I’m cured?

Sadly, sleeping pill addiction is a chronic disorder and recovery often requires a lifetime of commitment. Completing sleeping pill rehab, therefore, does not mean that you are cured. What it does mean is that you have taken a very important step towards sobriety, and it is an achievement to be immensely proud of.

By completing sleeping pill rehab and engaging in ongoing aftercare, you will have the tools and knowledge you need to maintain your sobriety in the long term. It will give you the opportunity to live a happy and fulfilling life, free from the chains of drug abuse.

Care and support during sleeping pill rehab

Will I relapse after sleeping pill rehab?

Relapse is unfortunately common amongst recovering drug users, including sleeping pill users. Relapse does not mean that treatment hasn’t worked, however, and you should always bear in mind that recovery is often full of highs and lows.

Relapse should be viewed as an opportunity to learn from mistakes and identify the triggers that led you there. It should never be seen as a failure, and it is important that you do not get discouraged. Attending support group meetings, discussing with your therapist, and reviewing your relapse prevention plan are all actions you can take to prevent relapse.

Tips for loved ones

If your loved one is struggling with the use of sleeping pills, you may feel helpless, anxious, and unsure of how to approach them. Understand that you are not alone in this – drug abuse deeply affects not only the user themselves but those closest to them as well.

Here are some tips to help you support your loved one through sleeping pill rehab:

Encourage them to seek help…

It can be difficult for someone struggling with drug abuse to admit that they need help, but it is important to encourage them to reach out for professional assistance through an inpatient rehab facility.

Be supportive…

Once your loved one has made the decision to seek help, it is important to be supportive of their decision. This may mean attending family therapy sessions, helping them to research different treatment options, or offering to provide transportation to and from rehab.

Encourage healthy coping mechanisms…

Abusing sleeping pills can often be a way of self-medicating underlying mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression. Once your loved one is in recovery, encourage them to engage in healthy coping mechanisms such as exercise, journaling or meditation.

Listen with an open mind…

It can be difficult to listen to your loved one talk about their drug abuse, but it is important to try and remain non-judgemental. This will create a safe space for them to share their thoughts and feelings without feeling judged or misunderstood.

If you are looking for a little extra support, our team at Primrose Lodge is always here to answer your questions and can offer you the guidance and assistance you need.

Next steps

If you or a loved one is grappling with the misuse of sleeping pills and don’t know where to turn next, don’t hesitate to contact us. You no longer have to suffer alone – there are many others, just like you, who have found success through sleeping pill rehab. Begin your journey to a happier, healthier version of yourself, and start treatment today.

Frequently asked questions

What does a typical day in sleeping pill rehab look like?
A typical day in sleeping pill rehab will involve daily therapy sessions, holistic activities, lectures and workshops. You will have the opportunity to join yoga classes or exercise in our on-site gym, and you will be provided with three nutritious meals every day. Your free time can be spent going on walks, watching TV, reading a book or socialising with others. Each day will be planned, ensuring you keep busy and feel a sense of purpose. This is vital for preventing sleeping pill relapse.
How much does sleeping pill rehab cost?
As with any drug rehab programme, the cost of treatment will depend on your length of stay. Primrose Lodge offers programmes ranging from two to twelve weeks. As a guideline, a four-week stay will cost anywhere between £4,000 to £6,000. It may be possible to access treatment through your insurance to make this fee more manageable. If you would like to discuss your options, please get in touch with our admissions team.