Benzodiazepine Rehab | Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment

Benzodiazepines refer to a type of prescription drug used to treat anxiety and panic disorders, as well as insomnia. If you have found yourself unable to stop taking these drugs, benzodiazepine rehab is an essential tool in overcoming both the physical and psychological grasp they may have over you. If you or a loved one is struggling with the misuse of benzodiazepines, benzodiazepine rehab could be the light at the end of the tunnel.


What types of Benzodiazepines need rehab?

Benzodiazepine rehab can help you to tackle your issues with some of the most common types of benzodiazepines, including Ativan, Klonopin, Librium, Valium, and Xanax. At Primrose Lodge, our expertise and knowledge surrounding these substances mean that you can rest assured recovery is on the horizon.

Ativan is a habit-forming drug that is difficult to quit without specialist support – simply stopping cold turkey is often not enough to maintain sobriety, and can be extremely dangerous. Inpatient treatment centres offer you the best chance of getting clean safely and successfully.
Klonopin rehab requires you to focus on both the physical and psychological aspects of your drug use and will utilise several different treatment types in order to tackle these issues.
As with any other benzodiazepine, if you notice you have started increasing your dose or using this drug outside of the ways prescribed by your doctor, you may have developed a dependency on Librium. Rehab can help you to quit effectively.
The intensity with which Valium can take hold of its users is significant. A combination of tapering doses under the supervision of medical professionals and attending various therapies is essential for kicking your Valium habit safely.
Xanax rehab aims to break unhealthy routines and address emotional issues that may have led to your drug use. Due to its addictive qualities, inpatient rehab is the best course of action if you plan on quitting.

If you have noticed any benzodiazepine beginning to take over your life, it is important to get the help you need. Our Primrose Lodge facility has the breadth of knowledge and experience in dealing with benzodiazepine rehab and can assist you in your recovery.

Do I need benzodiazepine rehab?

If you are wondering whether or not you need benzodiazepine rehab, there are a few things to consider:

  • Have you been using benzodiazepines for a prolonged period of time? If so, chances are you have already become dependent on the drug and will need help quitting.
  • Have you been using benzodiazepines in larger doses than prescribed or taking them more frequently than directed? If yes, this is a sign of abuse and you will likely need assistance from a professional in order to safely detox and quit.
  • Another question you may want to ask yourself is: have you attempted to see multiple doctors or exaggerated your symptoms in order to get a benzodiazepine prescription? If this is the case, it is likely that you are abusing benzodiazepines and rehab could therefore be beneficial.
  • It is also important to consider whether or not you have been experiencing any negative consequences as a result of your benzodiazepine use. Have you been struggling to meet work or school obligations? Have you been neglecting your relationships with friends and family? Have you noticed benzodiazepines impacting your health?

If you have been experiencing any of these issues, it is likely that benzodiazepine rehab will be necessary in order to get your life back on track. It is important to be honest with yourself when answering these questions in order to make the best decision for your recovery. Don’t wait until it is too late to start treatment.

Why is benzodiazepine rehab important?

Benzodiazepine rehab is important because it can help you safely detox from the drug and overcome both your physical and psychological dependence. Benzodiazepine rehab will provide you with the tools you need to manage any underlying issues or co-occurring mental health disorders that may be contributing to your benzodiazepine use.

Additionally, benzodiazepine rehab can help to improve your overall well-being and quality of life. As you do the inner work required to understand the psychological aspects of your benzodiazepine use, as well as learn your triggers and gain new coping mechanisms for handling stress, you’ll find yourself better able to deal with any challenges going forward.

In short, benzodiazepine rehab can provide you with the support and resources you need to overcome drug abuse and begin living a healthy and fulfilling life once more. It will give you the freedom to enjoy new activities and hobbies, the opportunity to rebuild relationships, and markedly improve your health and well-being.

A happy couple after therapy

What treatment can I expect to receive in Benzodiazepine rehab?

At Primrose Lodge, benzodiazepine treatment typically begins with a detoxification process which is then followed by inpatient therapy.

During benzodiazepine detox, you will be closely monitored by medical professionals as your body clears the drug from your system. This process can be uncomfortable and may last for several days or weeks, but our team will be available to guide you through it.

After you have completed detox, you will begin rehabilitation and therapy where you will work with our team to address the underlying causes of your drug abuse. This stage is a pivotal moment for many of our clients and is a vital component for long-term recovery.

We offer a variety of therapies, including:

You will also have access to a wealth of knowledge through lectures, workshops, and other activities designed to give you the highest chances of success.

What to expect from Benzodiazepine rehab

When you come to our facility for benzodiazepine rehab, you can expect to be treated with compassion and respect. Our team will work diligently to ensure that you are comfortable and safe throughout your stay.

The therapeutic environment at Primrose Lodge provides our clients with a relaxing space to reflect and heal, away from everyday stress and triggers. You will also be surrounded by others who are all on similar journeys, and these relationships can provide invaluable support both in rehab and beyond.

Primrose Lodge client, Carl, shares his experience of rehab, saying:

“I didn’t understand that being open and honest was key, but hearing other people made me realise other people felt the same things.”

Realising you are not alone as you take on this battle is central to your rehab experience – having the support of your peers and someone to lean on in both the good and bad times will help to propel you towards a clean, healthy life.

Does completing Benzodiazepine rehab mean I’m cured?

Although completing rehab is a major milestone in your recovery, and something to be proud of, it is unfortunately not the end of your hard work. Addiction is a chronic condition that must be continually managed throughout your life.

The risk of relapse is sadly always present, but should not be seen as a failure – it may be a normal part of your recovery process. The skills and knowledge you will gain during rehab will equip you with the tools needed to manage triggers, make healthy choices, and get back on the path to sobriety if a relapse should occur.

It is important to accept that your recovery will be filled with many ups and downs, but with dedication, willingness, and the right support, you can succeed in your battle against benzodiazepine addiction.

What happens after Benzodiazepine rehab?

After you have completed our benzodiazepine rehab programme, we will work with you to develop a comprehensive discharge plan. This plan will include information on how to maintain your sobriety, where to find support, and what to do in the event of a relapse.

Primrose Lodge offers free aftercare and will also provide you with information on vital resources available to you after you leave our facility. We want to make sure that you have all the tools and support you need in order to maintain your sobriety.

It is highly recommended that you attend support group meetings near you, and continue to see a therapist or counsellor on a regular basis. This will ensure that you have a solid support system in place as you transition back into your everyday life, and will minimise your risk of relapse.


Next steps

Benzodiazepine rehab can often seem like a brick wall that is impossible to climb, but the best thing you can do is reach out for help – our team is here to lift you up when you feel hopeless. If you are feeling trapped in the same cycles of abuse, give us a call to discuss your treatment options, and let us answer any questions you may have.

Frequently asked questions

What if I need benzodiazepines to treat a genuine condition?
If you need to take benzodiazepines to treat a genuine condition, it is important to work closely with your doctor to find an alternative medication to the one you have developed an addiction to. Depending on the condition in question, your doctor may be able to suggest a different benzodiazepine with fewer side effects or one that is not as addictive. It is also possible that your doctor could prescribe an alternative medication from a different drug family which will have the same effects but is less habit-forming.
How can I reduce the risk of relapse after leaving benzo rehab?
There are a number of steps you can take to reduce the risk of benzo relapse. Firstly, it is important to build a strong support system of people who understand your situation and can motivate you to stay on track. It is also beneficial to find activities that promote physical and mental well-being such as exercise, yoga or mindfulness. Additionally, attending aftercare sessions can help by providing a safe environment for talking about your experience and discussing any challenges you may be facing during benzo recovery.