Mephedrone Detox and Withdrawal | Timeline and Treatment

As a synthetic “designer” drug, addiction to mephedrone is possible but detox can be unpredictable. Formulated in illegal labs, the potency and ingredients used in mephedrone vary greatly, and this poses a challenge for drug treatment facilities and those attempting to detox. The good news is that help is available – our mephedrone rehab team at Primrose Lodge can guide you through the detox stage of recovery and assist you as your body heals.

On this page, we will discuss the detox phase of mephedrone rehab and the options available to you or loved ones suffering from mephedrone addiction.


What is Mephedrone detox?

The process of mephedrone detoxification sees the body cleanse itself of all unwanted toxins and substances through a period of abstinence from the drug. Alongside this, you may experience some unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

Mephedrone withdrawal

As mephedrone stimulates neurotransmitters in the brain, specifically dopamine, changes occur to the brain’s chemical balance and this begins to alter its natural state. When you completely remove mephedrone from your system, your brain must adapt to the absence of the drug and this will produce mephedrone withdrawal symptoms.

Due to the temperamental side effects of mephedrone and the lack of conclusive information on its effects, withdrawal symptoms can differ significantly from person to person. A cautious approach should therefore be taken when undergoing a mephedrone detox.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Agitation and irritability
  • Paranoia
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Memory loss
  • Changes in body temperature
  • Insomnia
  • Vivid nightmares
  • Muscle tremors
  • Hallucinations
  • Panic attacks
  • Psychosis
  • Seizures

Typically you will see more severe symptoms with frequent or prolonged mephedrone use. Mephedrone withdrawal is without a doubt the toughest part of your recovery, but it is an all-important stage that you must pass through in order to reach your goals.

The dangers of mephedrone withdrawal

Mephedrone is frequently compared to MDMA as its psychoactive effects are similar. However, there are several important factors that set them apart. Studies have shown mephedrone dependence has a higher potential in comparison to MDMA and could therefore leave the user open to acute withdrawal symptoms.

If you try to stop using mephedrone, you may be unable to withstand these withdrawal symptoms, causing you to take another dose to fend off any unwanted side effects. The cycle of bingeing often associated with mephedrone also leads to an intensified risk of relapse and overdose.

Mephedrone detox timeline

Your mephedrone detox timeline will depend on several different factors, including the severity of your mephedrone abuse and the ingredients and concoctions of drugs used. While there is no established timeline for mephedrone detox, we can compare it to other stimulant drugs and estimate the following:

One to twenty-four hours after use…

During the first few hours after mephedrone use, you may begin to experience withdrawal symptoms as your dopamine levels have been depleted. The first day after use is typically the toughest, with symptoms peaking even to the point of suicidal thoughts. You may experience:

  • Fatigue
  • Restlessness
  • Mood swings
  • Tremors
  • Depression
  • Cravings for mephedrone

One to three days after use…

At this stage, mephedrone withdrawal symptoms will slowly begin to subside. You may still experience some of the above symptoms, but their effects will be less severe.

Three to seven days after use…

By now, the worst of your withdrawal symptoms are over. However, you may still experience lingering cravings and mood swings.

What happens during mephedrone detox?

As you commence mephedrone detox, you will first take part in a comprehensive health assessment and be tested for the presence of toxic substances. As we have already established, mephedrone detoxing presents unique challenges as its effects are not as well-known compared to other drugs. Your doctor will take a general approach to managing your symptoms, tapping into anecdotal evidence and taking information from other drug detox processes.

The medical personnel overseeing your case may decide it’s best to taper you off mephedrone – this refers to the process of gradually weaning you off of the drug by administering increasingly smaller doses. This method may result in more manageable withdrawal symptoms.

Whilst your body purges all traces of mephedrone and other toxic substances, you will have access to 24/7 care and support from our team of compassionate professionals. It is possible that your doctor will administer medications to manage any intense withdrawal symptoms, for example, to aid with sleep or to prevent anxiety or depression. Your safety and comfort are our number one priority at Primrose Lodge, as well as ensuring a successful ongoing recovery.

Can I detox from mephedrone at home?

Mephedrone detox is a crucial first step in your recovery, and the manner in which it is undertaken can determine how successful you will be. Although detoxing in the comfort of your own home may seem appealing, it is not advisable. Going it alone leaves you vulnerable to painful and even dangerous withdrawal symptoms, with the risk of relapse increasing as cravings begin. With the risk of relapse also comes a higher chance of overdosing as your body’s tolerance levels lower – this can lead to serious and life-threatening consequences.

As an unpredictable drug, it is highly recommended that you undergo mephedrone detox under the watchful eye of professionals. Private rehab treatment centres help you to tackle every aspect of your recovery, including co-occurring physical or mental disorders that may have led to your drug abuse, and this gives you a better chance of succeeding.


Supporting a loved one’s mephedrone detox

Watching your loved one suffer through mephedrone detox can be painful. You may be filled with worry and anxiety, and you might not know who to talk to or the best way to support them. Primrose Lodge can offer advice and guidance to family members as you all battle through this difficult time.

It is important to approach any conversation with your loved one in a productive and caring way. On top of this, there are some other things you can do to help, including:

  • Research the detox process and treatment options available
  • Ensure their safety throughout detox by enrolling them in an inpatient facility
  • Remain positive and remind them the detox process doesn’t last long
  • Look forwards and talk about things you can enjoy together after detox
  • Stay open to family counselling

You must also remember that mephedrone detox is only the first step in their recovery – your loved one will need ongoing support as they continue their journey.

Contact us

If you have decided to break free from the harmful cycle of mephedrone abuse and would like to talk to us about mephedrone detox, don’t hesitate to give us a call. As you make your way through treatment, you will soon notice a happier, healthier version of yourself beginning to emerge.

Frequently asked questions

Are there things I can do to manage my mephedrone detox?
The most important thing you can do to manage your mephedrone detox successfully is to ensure you have medical supervision on hand throughout the process. As well as this, you can take part in some gentle meditation exercises to naturally boost your mood, and eat healthy meals that replenish lost vitamins and minerals. Keeping busy will be a good distraction from withdrawal symptoms, so try to plan your days ahead and enjoy some self-care.
What happens after mephedrone detox?
Once you have completed mephedrone detox, it is vital that you continue rehabilitation treatment. Unfortunately mephedrone detox is not enough to cure your addiction alone – you must also address any psychological causes through therapy and counselling. At Primrose Lodge, we have a wide range of different therapies that aim to teach you healthier ways of coping with stress and triggers caused by mephedrone use.