Ecstasy Detox and Withdrawal | Timeline and Treatment

Ecstasy detox can be strenuous on both your mind and body, and this is often the catalyst for the relapsing or can prevent you from quitting entirely. However, this should not stop you from pursuing a healthy, clean life – both preparation and knowledge are key to a successful and sustainable ecstasy detox.

Throughout the detox process for ecstasy, the body will clear itself of harmful and toxic substances. On this page, we will outline the various withdrawal symptoms you may experience during this time, how to cope with ecstasy withdrawal, and the different treatment options available to you.


What is ecstasy detox?

Ecstasy detox is the process of abstaining from ecstasy to rid your body of its harmful toxins. Due to the effects of ecstasy on the brain, including surges of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, a chemical imbalance quickly ensues. With recurrent use, the brain soon relies on ecstasy to supply its dopamine and serotonin levels, leading to withdrawal symptoms if you attempt to quit.

Ecstasy withdrawal symptoms

Ecstasy withdrawal symptoms will vary in severity depending on the individual’s abuse patterns, including their tolerance level, the frequency and duration of drug abuse, and their general health. Symptoms may include:

  • Cravings
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Agitation
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Insomnia
  • Exhaustion
  • Panic attacks
  • Muscle spasms
  • Loss of appetite
  • Paranoia and delusions
  • Psychosis

The safest and most comfortable way to combat ecstasy withdrawal and detox is to attend a private facility where you will be supported by a team of specialists throughout the process.

Ecstasy detox timeline

Ecstasy is frequently cut with other drugs and chemicals, which can prolong or intensify withdrawal symptoms. Typically, you can expect the detox process to last for up to ten days, with the following timeline occurring:

Eight hours after use

You can expect the effects of ecstasy to begin fading three to eight hours after the last dose was consumed. Here you will start to experience a ‘comedown’ which will present symptoms including:

  • Exhaustion
  • A significant drop in mood

One to three days after use

In the first three days after use, you may notice your withdrawal symptoms peaking. The symptoms that may arise include:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Irritability
  • Paranoia
  • Fatigue


The intensity of these symptoms may be worsened by a loss of appetite, leaving you both mentally and physically drained. This is the toughest part of the ecstasy detox period – it is important to power through and keep holding on throughout these next few days.

Four to ten days after use

During this time, symptoms will gradually begin to subside. You may still suffer from lingering cravings, depression, insomnia, memory loss, and concentration problems. These may go on to persist for weeks, months, or even years after ecstasy use has ceased.

It is vital that you continue with a treatment programme and suitable aftercare in order to maintain your sobriety.

Managing your ecstasy detox

The ecstasy detox and withdrawal phase is both mentally and physically taxing and requires a great deal of willpower to conquer. It is a critical stage in recovery – proper management, care, and support are therefore indispensable.

Here are some things you can do to prepare:

  • Seek professional help through an assisted ecstasy detox and treatment programme.
  • Find a local support group and connect with others going through the same thing.
  • Surround yourself with friends and family who keep you motivated.
  • Eat healthy foods to help your body heal.
  • Take part in regular exercise to help rebalance dopamine and serotonin levels.
  • Get at least six hours of sleep every night.
  • Stay busy with hobbies, or set daily goals to keep you on track and prevent relapse.

It is also important to tackle ecstasy detox day by day, reminding yourself that it will not last forever. As the symptoms begin to subside, you will feel yourself becoming stronger and healthier.

Can I detox from ecstasy at home?

While a home detox may seem far more appealing to most, it is advisable to instead remove yourself from your usual environment, away from temptations and triggers that may cause relapse. Relapse is far more likely to occur if you go it alone, leading to dangerous consequences such as an overdose or unmanageable withdrawal symptoms.

If you have been taking large amounts of ecstasy over a long period of time, it is likely that the withdrawal symptoms will put significant strain on your body. At Primrose Lodge, our team of experts will support you every step of the way.

Although the prospect of attending a private treatment facility may seem daunting, whether it’s because of an unwillingness to talk about your drug use or worries about the cost of treatment, they offer unmatched services that guarantee the best chances of success. Not only that, but you can rest assured your detox period will be safe and comfortable.


The benefits of ecstasy detox

The ecstasy detox phase is an essential cornerstone in your recovery. As your body rids itself of harmful substances and begins restoration, along comes many notable benefits.

Some of the benefits of ecstasy detox include:

  • Rejuvenated sense of self
  • Looking and feeling healthier
  • Relationships can start to rebuild
  • Ability to focus on work or studies

The accomplishment of overcoming your ecstasy detox will also give you confidence knowing that you can tackle any other challenge that comes your way.

Supporting a loved one’s ecstasy detox

The ecstasy detox period can be extremely tough, not only for the user themselves but for loved ones who must witness their struggles. Watching your family member battle intense withdrawal symptoms, coupled with the fear of them relapsing, is highly distressing and worrisome. Oftentimes you want to help and support them in any way you can, but it is difficult to know what you should do. There are some things that you can do to help your loved one through ecstasy detox, including:

  • Researching and planning an assisted ecstasy detox to ensure their safety.
  • Remaining positive and supportive.
  • Reminding both yourself and your loved one that the detox period only lasts a short time – soon, things will begin to get better.
  • Encouraging your loved one to take up hobbies or set daily goals to keep them busy.
  • Organising activities that you can both look forward to.
  • Attending family counselling sessions.


It is also important to remember that the ecstasy detox is only the beginning of their recovery – they will need your continued love and support as they take on the next stages.

Booking an ecstasy detox

Our team of experienced specialists is here to help you overcome your ecstasy detox and support you through to the next phase of recovery. They will provide you with a safe and nurturing environment, freedom from your stress and worries, nutritional meals, and a new outlook on life.

Frequently asked questions

Is ecstasy withdrawal painful?
Many people feel anxious ahead of ecstasy detox and worry that they won’t be able to cope with withdrawal symptoms. Ecstasy withdrawal is not painful but can be unpleasant as your body adjusts to not being on these chemicals. Don’t let these worries stop you from getting clean. With Primrose Lodge, your ecstasy detox will remain as comfortable as possible and you will have counsellors on hand to discuss any fears you may have.
Is a comedown the same as ecstasy withdrawal?
A ‘comedown’ can be experienced by anyone who takes ecstasy, even after one use. This refers to the few days after ecstasy use, similar to a hangover, when you may feel nausea, fatigue, anxiety and depression. You do not have to be addicted to ecstasy to experience a comedown. Ecstasy withdrawal, on the other hand, refers to dependence. In other words, withdrawal symptoms are experienced because your body has to get used to a lack of the drug.