There are four main reasons why people take cocaine:
1. For pleasure
Cocaine produces intense feelings of euphoria, confidence and well-being. This is the most common reason why people abuse the drug and can lead to addiction very quickly.
2. To self-medicate
Some people use cocaine to escape from negative emotions and mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety or boredom. This is because cocaine numbs these emotions, at least temporarily.
3. For performance enhancement
There are other people who use cocaine to help them in work or social situations. They believe that the drug will make them sharper, more alert and better able to succeed.
4. To fit in
In some social situations, particularly those involving partying or nightlife, cocaine use is very common and peer pressure can lead to people taking the drug even if they don’t really want to.
Whatever the initial reason, cocaine is so mentally addictive that you will start to need more and more of the drug for the same effects. This is because the dopamine receptors in your brain become desensitised to the drug, meaning that you need larger and larger doses to produce the same high. This increased tolerance to cocaine can then lead to dependency, which means you are unable to function without the drug.
At this point, it can be incredibly difficult to stop taking cocaine because of the intense withdrawal symptoms that you will experience, which creates a cycle of abuse and addiction.