Side effects: Zopiclone

Zopiclone is a widely prescribed medication designed to provide short-term relief for insomnia. As part of the “Z-drug” class, which also includes zolpidem and zaleplon, zopiclone helps users fall asleep more quickly and achieve a deeper, more restorative sleep by modifying brain chemical signals. While effective for many, zopiclone is associated with several side effects, ranging from mild to serious, which can affect its suitability for some users.

Common side effects of zopiclone

Zopiclone is generally well-tolerated, but some side effects may occur. These are usually mild and affect more than 1 in 100 people. Here are the most frequently reported side effects and some tips for managing them:

  • Metallic/bitter taste: A lot of people who use zopiclone complain of experiencing a strange taste in their mouth. Such a taste can be managed by staying hydrated or using mouthwash before bed.
  • Dry Mouth: To counteract dryness, try drinking water regularly or using a humidifier while you sleep.
  • Daytime Drowsiness: It’s not uncommon to feel sleepy or fatigued the next day. If this happens, avoid driving or operating heavy machinery until you feel fully alert.

Less common side effects include headaches, nausea, dizziness, and vivid dreams or nightmares. If you experience any of these or if they persist, consult your healthcare provider.

If you experience these common side effects, consider using over-the-counter remedies for dry mouth, and consult your doctor for reassurance and ongoing monitoring.

Serious side effects of zopiclone

Though rare, zopiclone can lead to serious side effects that require immediate medical attention. If you experience any of the following, seek help right away:

  • Allergic reactions: Severe symptoms such as rashes, swelling, or difficulty breathing may indicate a serious allergic reaction.
  • Amnesia: Memory issues may arise, particularly if you do not achieve 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
  • Hallucinations and delusions: Some individuals might experience disturbing sensory distortions, such as seeing or hearing things that aren’t there.
  • Depression: Changes in mood, including symptoms of depression, have been reported by some users.

While these side effects are uncommon, they necessitate prompt medical evaluation. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

Long-term risks of zopiclone

While zopiclone it’s effective for helping people fall asleep, using it over the long term can come with some major risks. Here are some of the key concerns:

Risk Description
Dependence and Withdrawal Physical and psychological dependence may develop, with withdrawal symptoms including anxiety, agitation, and sleep disturbances.
Tolerance Over time, higher doses may be needed to achieve the same effect, increasing the risk of dependence.
Cognitive Impairment Long-term use can worsen memory problems, reduced attention, and impaired coordination.
Increased Risk of Falls Particularly in older adults, prolonged use can increase the risk of falls and fractures due to impaired coordination and balance.
Daytime Sedation Residual sedation or grogginess during the day can affect daily tasks and overall functioning.
Sleep Architecture Disruption Chronic use may alter normal sleep patterns, leading to less restorative sleep and worsening sleep quality.
Potential for Abuse
Risk of misuse or abuse, especially if not used as prescribed.
Interactions and Health Risks Possible interactions with other medications and exacerbation of certain health conditions. Combining with alcohol or other CNS depressants can enhance sedative effects.
Behavioural Changes Potential for behavioural changes such as increased aggressiveness or mood (although less common)

It must be stressed that zopiclone is primarily prescribed for the short-term management of insomnia only, and its use should not exceed two to four weeks. If you try to use it as a long-term solution, there is a risk of tolerance, dependence and a mix of negative effects that ultimately outweigh the benefits.

Dry mouth

How does zopiclone use affect cognitive function

Understanding the effects of zopiclone is crucial for assessing the drug’s overall impact on mental performance and daily functioning. Below are key points detailing how zopiclone influences cognitive abilities:

  1. Short-term impairment: On the night of taking zopiclone, users might experience some degree of cognitive impairment the next day. This can include issues with memory, attention, and reaction times. This is particularly notable if the medication is not taken as directed, such as if it’s taken too close to waking time or if the individual doesn’t get a full night’s sleep.
  2. Memory problems: Zopiclone can impair short-term memory and cognitive functions related to learning and memory consolidation. This is a common side effect of many sleep aids, as they can interfere with the brain’s ability to process and store new information.
  3. Coordination and motor skills: Users may experience diminished motor coordination and slower reaction times, which can impact tasks that require precise movements or quick thinking.
  4. Long-term effects: The effects on cognitive function with long-term use of zopiclone could be clearer. Prolonged use can lead to dependence, and cognitive side effects might become more pronounced over time. It’s generally recommended for short-term use, and if you find that you need it for a longer period, discussing alternatives or underlying issues with a healthcare provider is advisable.
  5. Residual effects: Even after the drug has worn off, some people might feel residual effects like grogginess or mental fog, which can affect daily functioning.

It’s essential to use zopiclone as prescribed and to be aware of its potential impacts on cognitive and motor functions. If you have concerns about these effects, discussing them with your healthcare provider can help in finding the right balance for your situation.

How to use zopiclone safely

Despite zopiclone being a medication that can be prescribed to you by a healthcare professional, due to the variety of risks associated with the drug, it’s important to use it safely to avoid potential issues.

Here is a quick safety guideline for you to follow:

✅Follow prescriptions: Always take zopiclone exactly as prescribed by your doctor. The dosage and duration will be tailored to your specific needs and medical condition.

✅Short-term use: Zopiclone is generally recommended for short-term use, typically not exceeding 2 to 4 weeks. Prolonged use can lead to tolerance, dependence, or withdrawal symptoms.

✅Avoid alcohol: Do not consume alcohol while taking zopiclone, as it can enhance the sedative effects and increase the risk of severe side effects, such as impaired coordination or respiratory issues.

✅Be cautious with other medications: Inform your doctor about all other medications, including over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements, as interactions can occur. Certain drugs, especially other sedatives or medications that affect the central nervous system, can interact with zopiclone.

✅Do not drive or operate machinery: Zopiclone can impair your ability to perform tasks that require alertness, such as driving. Ensure you have a full night’s sleep (7-8 hours) before engaging in activities that require concentration.

✅Monitor for side effects: Be aware of potential side effects, such as dizziness, drowsiness the next day, dry mouth, or an altered sense of taste. Report any severe or persistent side effects to your doctor.

✅Avoid abrupt discontinuation: If you need to stop taking zopiclone, consult your doctor about a tapering plan rather than stopping abruptly, especially if you’ve been on it for a long time.

✅Consider lifestyle changes: Address any underlying issues contributing to your insomnia, such as stress or poor sleep hygiene, and discuss these with your doctor. Non-pharmacological treatments like cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT) can be effective alternatives or complements to medication.

By following these guidelines and maintaining open communication with your healthcare provider, you can use zopiclone more safely and effectively.

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