Blog, Society
Nov 06, 2023

The rise of K-pop has been truly meteoric, transcending borders, language and culture. However, as the genre has exploded around the world, the demands of fame, relentless travel and performan …

Blog, Society
Oct 31, 2023

Alcohol withdrawal is a challenging hurdle faced by many who decide to reduce or quit drinking. Withdrawal emerges when the body becomes accustomed to regular alcohol intake and adversely reacts w …

Blog, Society
Oct 27, 2023

Statistics indicate that around 602,391 people in England are dependent on alcohol. 82% of these are not currently in treatment for addiction. Over a quarter of individuals in the country (27%) bi …

Blog, Society
Oct 18, 2023
World War II was a time of unprecedented global conflict, marked by incredible heroism and unimaginable atrocities. As we explore this tumultuous period in history, it’s essential to shed light on t …

Blog, Substance abuse
Sep 27, 2023

Marketing possesses a unique magic – the power to mould perceptions, sway choices, and even shape cultures. Some of the most iconic advertisements in history have been crafted for various alcoho …

Blog, Substance abuse
Sep 13, 2023

Have you ever wondered why that flushed feeling courses through you after a glass of your favourite wine? Or why your heart races slightly faster with each sip of a cold beer? The relationship bet …

Blog, Relationships
May 05, 2023

When a stone is thrown into a still pond, ripples spread out from the point of impact, distorting the calm water. Alcohol addiction acts in a similar way, affecting people that reach far beyond th …

Blog, Relationships
Apr 27, 2023

Living with a functioning alcoholic can be a confusing and emotionally taxing experience. Functioning alcoholics maintain a facade of stability and success, while secretly battling an addiction th …

Blog, Substance abuse
Apr 18, 2023

Substance use disorders are an all-too-common phenomenon in the UK. From 2020 to 2021 alone, 130,490 individuals entered into a treatment programme for addiction, but this number does not represen …

Blog, Recovery and rehab
Feb 14, 2023

Sometimes, we all need an extra push to reach our goals. Whether that be through our friends, families, or even with the help of teachers and educators, small words of wisdom can be crucial to kee …

Blog, Substance abuse
Jan 30, 2023

Spotting the signs of alcoholism in someone you love can be tough, especially when it comes to secret drinking.

At the height of its popularity, Friends was the most watched show on TV with arm …

Blog, Company updates
Aug 10, 2018

Geoff Mascall is the manager of Primrose Lodge, a UKAT residential addiction treatment centre in Surrey. In this blog, we ask Geoff about supporting people intensively, as they break free from the …

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0203 553 9263