In this study, we will explore the importance of detox in drug rehab. This includes understanding what detox entails and exploring the varied symptoms that may manifest based on the substance invo …
In a world where social dynamics often intertwine with our choice of libations, the term "beer pressure" takes on a new and intriguing meaning. As enthusiasts of the craft beer renaissance, we fin …
Lately, media coverage of meth addiction often uses terms like ‘epidemic’ and ‘crisis,’ framing people struggling with meth addiction in a negative context. The portrayal of shocking behaviours an …
Ever notice how you can get a crash course in a culture just by hanging out at a bar? It’s like cultural anthropology meets happy hour. Forget language hurdles – the real communication happens i …
While primarily known for its use in surgical anaesthesia, ketamine is now making waves in the field of pain relief. After years of clinical trials, early patient results are now confirming ketami …
For generations, indulging in alcohol has been a social norm, but recent research indicates a shifting trend. According to a report, youth drinking in general has taken a sharp decline since the e …
The rise of K-pop has been truly meteoric, transcending borders, language and culture. However, as the genre has exploded around the world, the demands of fame, relentless travel and performan …
Alcohol withdrawal is a challenging hurdle faced by many who decide to reduce or quit drinking. Withdrawal emerges when the body becomes accustomed to regular alcohol intake and adversely reacts w …
Statistics indicate that around 602,391 people in England are dependent on alcohol. 82% of these are not currently in treatment for addiction. Over a quarter of individuals in the country (27%) bi …