Alcohol addiction can destroy more than just the life of the individual suffering. Alcoholism has a direct link with higher rates of divorce and relationship dissolution. While bringing up the …
A growing number of people worldwide identify with “Brain fog.” In a survey from last year, 28% of 7,200 people surveyed said they’ve experienced brain fog. Millions are feeling a mental c …
We all have things in our lives that we turn to for comfort, solace, or escape. When we try to give a name to these objects and actions of affection, we sometimes use the words “habit” and “ …
Luxury rehab centres go beyond the grain of standard addiction care. These types of centres focus on much more than utility. As sanctuaries of wellness, luxury facilities add additional layers t …
Diazepam (sometimes known as Valium) is a type of drug used to treat anxiety disorders. It is part of a class of substances called benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines are prescription medications, …
Addiction can bring people to the extremes of their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Complete recovery is often an uphill battle deceptive enough to make someone feel as though they’re …
Drink driving is one of the leading contributors to road accidents globally. In 2022, the RAC estimated that 6,800 people were killed or injured in the UK when at least one driver was over the d …
Prescription drug regulations vary widely across the globe, so a medication that’s readily accessible in one country might be tightly restricted in another. This could be extremely dangerous for …
Mental health for men is quite frequently overlooked or stigmatised. Alarmingly, suicide rates among men are through the roof, and unfortunately are significantly higher than those of women; in …
Often, a standardised approach to addiction treatment isn’t an adequate fit for some people’s needs. While traditional rehab centres often focus on basic care and group therapy, luxury rehab opt …