Sex and love addiction is classified as a behavioural addiction, and involves an individual becoming consumed by sexual behaviours, urges or desires, to the point where they begin to take control of all aspects of their daily lives. Often referred to as ‘the disease of more’, sex and love addicts are recognised by seeking behaviours in extremes, constantly looking for more to achieve the same thrill or euphoric high induced when engaging with their dependence.
While there are some similarities between sex and love addiction, it is important to note that they differ in underlying ways, and it is essential that you know how to tell the difference.
Sex addiction
Sex addiction is characterised by uncontrollable sexual activity, with the sufferer noticing their affliction causing detrimental impact to all areas of their life, resulting in great emotional pain, heartache, or loss. Despite wanting to stop and having suffered negative consequences as a result of their behaviours, they are compelled to continue their destructive and sometimes deviant behaviours.
Love addiction
Those that suffer from love addiction have an overwhelming need to feel loved, often to their own detriment and to the detriment of those that love and care for them. They will go to extraordinary lengths to search out love or please their partners, even if it means compromising their own needs and wellbeing.
Those that are affected may become obsessed with the idea of being in love, taking part in numerous dangerous relationships as they have difficulty being on their own. Over time, love addiction can cause serious consequences to the individual; they can be left unable to find a balance or maintain a healthy relationship for any reasonable period of time.
Love addiction is an attachment disorder in which the sufferer becomes dependent on the attention of a romantic partner. Much like any other addiction, the crux of the problem centres in the individual’s mind. Those affected often suffer from cripplingly low self-esteem and believe that they are worthless if they are not in a relationship.
They may tolerate harmful behaviour from their partner, as they believe that is all they deserve, and it is preferable to being on their own. Many that suffer from love addiction do not even realise it is an illness and that there is treatment and help available.